
2023.12.12 【When college students attend an international conference 2】

hotalin  /  News

It’s 賴宣羽學姊‘s turn!

Hi, I am Hsuan Yu Lai, a senior year student in the Department of Leisure and Recreation Management. Participating in the international conference hosted by The Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Asia Pacific at Seoul Sejong University in Korea has been an unforgettable journey for me. Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to the Higher Education Sprout Project Office for their generous support, providing the necessary funding for expenses such as airfare, registration fees, and daily allowances. This sponsorship made it possible for me to realize the dream of attending the conference, enhancing the overall experience.
Throughout the four-month preparation process, there were moments when it felt lengthy and others when it seemed rushed. Reflecting on this period, I realize that I have made significant strides in the fields of academic research and international conferences. Despite the challenges and the occasional hardship, this journey has been fulfilling and enjoyable. For me, presenting was a challenge as I have always been fearful of public speaking. Without the patient encouragement from Professor Chang Hsuan Hsuan, I might never have stepped onto the conference stage, let alone submitted a paper.
Professor Chang Hsuan Hsuan showed a considerable amount of care throughout the entire process, investing much time in overseeing our progress and assisting with rehearsals. During the paper-writing process, I often doubted my abilities, but Professor Chang’s guidance and support provided a solid foundation. Especially in situations where English proficiency was relatively weak, presenting on stage made me feel embarrassed. However, with Professor Chang Hsuan Hsuan’s support, I overcame this psychological barrier.
Without the financial assistance from the Higher Education Sprout Project Office’s program, I might never have imagined presenting a paper at an international conference. This experience expanded my perspective on international tourism research, introducing me to many previously unexplored topics. Participating in this conference is not only an academic opportunity but also a journey of personal growth. This experience will undoubtedly serve as a significant milestone in my life.